Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Wordpress Training in Noida

WordPress is a free and release source continuously growing CMS based on PHP and SQL. It is used in today’s situation for creating many websites and applications that you can use daily. It has advanced level interactive features for preparing various websites like easy theme development, better performance, better user interface, and plugin development etc.

Iconic Academic is conducting Wordpress Training in Noida on this software through Wordpress expert corporate professionals having experience in managing real-time projects. Their sessions are designed in order to teach students to get the benefit of both theoretical and practical sessions. The theory sessions of Iconic Academic deal in knowledge fundamentals while practical sessions involve doing assignments and learning by writing code.

Iconic Academic covers many topics of WordPress including overview, installation, design, setting up of PHP development, plugins, hooks, events and filters, activation code, templates, widgets, admin interface, database security, jQuery, AJAX, and live project training.


Iconic Academic is a renowned and one of the best Wordpress Training Institute in Noida which provides high-quality training with unique and modern teaching methodology based on industry standards and has trained many of students till now in this great PHP Application. Iconic Academic has designed the content of this course in order to develop responsive and rich featured websites in this CMS.

Do you want to study how to create a beautiful, responsive, and dynamic website that looks great on every device? Do you want to master the world’s most popular content management system for building websites from one of the best Wordpress Training Institute in Noida? Join Iconic Academic and learn advanced WordPress training by experts? Iconic Academic assures to you that you will be learning WordPress in a practical and project based approach. Wordpress Training in Noida will also cover theme development & WordPress e-Commerce stores.

Iconic Academic does not train students by considering it as their work, but to make them the future support of the vast web developing industry. It is necessary to guide people in proper ways because in future there will be huge demand of web developers, who have knowledge of WordPress, WordPress CMS, and other web development tools.
Call   :  8920928177
Email:  sureshjaiswal1077@gmail.com
Visit:  http://iconicacademic.com/

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